Aerodynamic and aeroacoustic tests of 2D airfoils
The tests in the Poul la Cour Tunnel are initially to dedicated aerodynamic and aeroacoustic blade section/airfoil tests for wind turbine blades. Airfoils with a chord length of up to 1.0m (and in special conditions up to 2.0m) and a span width of 2.0m can be mounted vertically in the turntable in the test section. Pressure taps in the airfoil, pressure taps in the walls (if hard walls are mounted) and/or force gauges in the airfoil shafts ensure precise measurements of the aerodynamic lift forces, while a wake rake positioned downstream of the airfoil ensures precise measurements of the drag forces. With either the pressure taps at the airfoil or the shaft gauges also the aerodynamic moments can be measured. If Kevlar walls are mounted, noise measurements can be carried out and thereby map the aerodynamic noise emission.